Monday, October 27, 2008

To destroy a camera

Kevin found a digital camera (an old one) at a garage sale last year.  The lady selling it said that things were out of focus, but for a couple of bucks, it was worth finding out if it was user error.  It was not.  This is a POS camera.  It has since developed (get it?  Developed?) new problems.  Tonight, Natalie asked if she could destroy it.  Why not?

After a smack or two from a hammer, we had this:

Ever wondered what it looked like behind that back cover?  Now you know.  Of course, Natalie wasn't satisfied, and now Monica was interested.  What would happen if each took another couple of swings:

This is the other side (front) of said camera.  It was a tough little bugger, but it finally came apart in a wild splendor of pieces, just as Natalie had planned.

Oh yeah!  We have FUN around here!  I would try to explain how things work, or how this is a one-time thing, or how electronics are delicate items...but...But I thought this was WAY more fun.  Yeah, I'm warped like that.

Now, since you lived through that nonsense, let me share with you tonight's view of Mom's hill.

Beautiful, no?


Traci said...

I love a good camera bashing! LOL Y'all have fun over there don't ya?

Hollie said...

Very interesting..... Love the mountain photo