Saturday, October 25, 2008

Intolerable actions

So, I was reading Heather's blog, and I had the thought: There are certain things that I can NOT tolerate.  We agree on the one she talks about, but I considered coming up with a list of 5.  Gosh, that was easy!  I wonder how long the list would get if I gave it more thought?

1. Cheating on a spouse/partner.  This is the greatest evil.  If you are unhappy with your choice, then leave.  Kevin and I made that agreement years ago.  If you're unhappy with me, then let's call it quits.  You go double-dippin' and I may kill you.  I'm just sayin'.

2. Disrespectful children.  Sure, my kids are allowed to joke around, "No, Mom, I will NOT clean my room!" But they dang sure better be headed in to clean when they say it.  I am the adult, I make the decisions, and you will treat me (and other adults) with respect.  Other people's kids tend to tick me off.

3. People in their own world.  You know the ones.  They block the isle of the grocery store while chatting with a friend.  They block the fast lane, going 60 in a 70 while chatting on a cell phone.  They wander around, forgetting that there is anyone else in the world.

4. Taking credit for another person's work.  If I've put blood, sweat and tears into a task at work, and you are thanked by mistake, you DANG sure better stumble all over yourself to correct the situation.  If I find out that you took credit for my work or idea, I'll hang you out to dry at the first opportunity.

5. Pushing your beliefs on me.  I don't mind if you share your beliefs.  In fact, I'm fascinated by things that I'm ignorant about.  However, if you try to convert me, or force me to believe the way you do, then you better hope that I decide to cut off contact.  The alternate reaction is not a good one.

Wow, I'm getting mad just thinking about these things.  I better go play on YoVille to relax.  Anyone have ideas for their top 5?  Leave a comment or do a post of your own.  I'd be interested to see what drives you over the edge.


Traci said...

I like your list. One of the evils of Nashville is that many Christians (and I am one but not one of these) think they have the right to tell people that if they don't believe as they do that person is going to hell. The say it out loud! To other people they barely know. What the heck? Who are they? God?

Whoops - I think you hit a nerve...

Toon said...

I'd like to add "Voting republican"...but I think you guys are toast this nevermind.



Anonymous said...

People who say "my way or the highway" I am a conservative on some things and liberal on others and don't want people sending me all those nasty emails about one or the other of the parties.