Sorry 'bout the Fresh Prince subject line. That's my ring tone, and my cell phone rang a bit ago. Oh, and it's what I'm doing right now, so it's topical. Sue me.
It is a Kami weekend, so Kevin went by to pick her up last night. I met him over there briefly (her car seat doesn't fit very well in my car.) It was really windy, and there was a tiny bit of sleet coming down. I left and stopped at QT for fuel. As I walked in to pay, it was coming down hard and fast! It hurt when it hit my face, and the parking lot was a sheet of ice.
About 2 miles north of town, though, it was fine. Strange. Anyway, we enjoyed an evening at home. The only time I would call Kami a fussy baby is for about a 2 hour stretch in the evening. Other than that, she's happy and fun. After her fussy spell, she went to sleep and slept for 9 hours! I couldn't believe it. She's only 2 months old, after all.
Today, Kevin made breakfast, which he brought to me in bed. We gave the kids their cards and candy, and Kevin headed to the store. Now we're all just chillin' out, which I plan to continue for the entire weekend. I was out of town last weekend, so I'm making the most of this one. I can't watch the Nationwide race today, because we axed that channel a few months back, but tomorrow is the Daytona 500! I'm ready, Freddy.

Have fun watching cars drive around and around in an oval under the Florida sun. ;)
Nine hours for a little one is very long! I'm watching the race too. I can't imagine letting my baby out of my sight for a whole weekend when they were that little!
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