Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Topics to avoid while drunk during Thanksgiving dinner

Tryptophan. Yes, it's called tryptophan.  We all know.  We all still know.

Uncle Joe looks a lot like Aunt JoAnn.  What ever happened to Aunt JoAnn?  She disappeared about the same time that we connected with Uncle Joe.  Wait!  What?

Why do I have to bring my own wine?  You have a whole box!

It's not so much that I'm allergic to your cats, it's just that the cat hair in the potatoes grosses me out a bit.

You said that we could all bring our husband or boyfriend.  I couldn't choose, so I brought both.  Is this a problem?

Can I have a drumstick?  Can I have a drumstick?  Can I have a drumstick?  I don't like dark meat.

Grandma's looking H.O.T.

Shut up, the dog is fine.  She bit me first!

You kid is streaking through the living room again.

What does a girl have to do to get some rum around here?

Smell my breath!  What does that belch smell like to you?

Now, which wife is this?  Number 4 or 6?  I get all of them confused.

Tryptophan.  It's called tryptophan.  Still.


Pamela said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Amy said...

Cat hair in the potatoes. It's just extra fiber!!