Monday, November 10, 2008

Cold rain

I don't mind driving in the rain.  I don't mind driving in the dark.  I HATE driving in the rain in the dark.  Glaring headlights and stupid drivers.  Also, my car is old enough that it doesn't have intermittent wipers.  With as light as it was raining, I had to hit the button every 3-5 seconds...for the entire 1-hour drive.

OK, I'm over it.  I'm home now; inside out of the cold.  Kevin had stir fry done when I walked through the door, and the girls took care of laundry and dishes.  It is MORE than enough to make up for the crappy commute.

I am having too much fun on Facebook.  I am hooked on YoVille, myFarm, Kidnap, and others.  At times, there are three computers around here, all doing various activities on Facebook.  Sheesh.  At least the homework and chores are done first, right?  LOL

Oh yeah, sometimes I run into my MOTHER in YoVille!  ACK!  Add to that 3-4 coworkers, and it makes for some funny stuff.  I guess it's better than spending money we don't have to go to movies or anywhere else for entertainment.

Now, back to Facebook!


Amy said...

I'm so uncool. I don't have a Facebook.

Traci said...

I love Kidnap as you know. Your mother is a crack up! I would fall over dead if I ran into my mother in Yoville. She is so out of the loop!