Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ah HA!

I am SURE that I found the errant setting, now!  I had a setting from long ago that would send an email notification to me when I got a comment.  Unfortunately, I set up the blog long ago, in another home, in another town, with another ISP, with another email address.  This has been fixed now, and if someone (Mom? Traci? Bentley?) would leave a comment, we could verify that I've fixed it.

There is nothing more annoying than a " bounce back" email.  I'm sorry that it's been happening.


Amy said...

Ever since I'm started commenting on your blog, I get a bounce back. I'm hitting send now! We shall see!

Amy said...

I didn't get a bounce back! WooHoo!

Donna. W said...

Okie dokie. You just had the old embarq address listed, is all.

Traci said...

Just going to give it a whirl.