Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kevin's coming home

We took Kameron over to Connie and Bentleys so Connie could take her pictures. She got some real good ones. I can't wait to see all of them.

It's been a lazy afternoon. Tomorrow, Natalie and I will get up and clean house. Monica spent the night at a friend's house again, so it's just the two of us.

Kevin is coming home tomorrow. He's had a real good time, and got some much needed rest and relaxation. Well, except last night. He went out and played cards with the guys and got back to his mom's house at 3:00 am! I asked if she grounded him, and he said, "almost." LOL

I'm glad he's coming home tomorrow because the yard needs mowed real bad and I can't do the bank. Maybe I could, but I'm a big chicken. That bank is steep!

OK, back to the things that Natalie and I do when we're alone together. Over eating, watching mindless TV, running with scissors, etc.


Amy said...

mindless TV and overeating...two of my favorite things! Um. Running with scissors, notsomuch.

Bookncoffee said...

Glad Kevin is home and hope you got the grass mowed. lol