Friday, August 21, 2009


Big changes for me at work. I'm happy and excited, but I'm whupped.

You know how, when you're cleaning house, it always gets worse before it gets better? Yeah, that's me and the front counter. I'm purging, big time. Tossed a TON of stuff, organized, cleaned, and generally made it mine. Stooping, bending, up and down from floor to My muscles hate me right now.

However, I am excited about the new stuff I'll be doing. It's a great change of pace. I will learn so much, and TEACH so much! Coolio.

Oh, and I'm going to the GA state convention next month! WooHoo! I'm excited. Too bad it's on the opposite side of the state from my brother. I'd like to see him and his family, too. Oh well, I guess I'll have to settle for Jekyll Island. Sandy beaches and sun. *sigh* How will I ever survive?

OK, time to rest the legs and maybe have an adult beverage. Then, early to bed and late to rise. That's the plan, peeps.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I need an adult beverage, too! Share....for the love of Everything Holy....