Monday, October 12, 2009

Single Mom Monday-Awesome Daughters

So Kevin has been gone for 4 days, and we haven't self-destructed yet. The girls stayed up until 10 with me last night, yet still got up really great this morning...making life easier.

Tonight, they picked up their rooms, and Natalie got homework done before I got home. I got here and started dinner. While I made the shepherds pie, Monica played guitar and Natalie told stories about her day. It was fun. We sang to the radio and kept things going.

After we ate (the girls LOVE shepherds pie) it was time for them to shower and get ready for tomorrow. I had the notion to bake some cookies for them, since they've been so great. The only thing I had all the ingredients for was Peanut Butter cookies, and I am NOT a fan, so I knew the girls would get all of them.

Cookies done, showers taken, homework filed away, and laundry going: We're getting things done. These girls amaze me, the way they can pull together and help me out. As much as they can bicker when the opportunity arises (any time they're together,) they can sure be a huge asset when I need them.

Thanks, girls. Mom loves you!

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