Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow and other such nonsense.

It has been snowing all day.  Snow, snow, snow.  It barely let up at all.  It snowed and snowed.  And we don't even have 1/2" out there.  What a wimpy snow!  It is, however, cold as all get-out.  I guess that is the weather punch for this time.  Cold and miserable, and I had to pump gas after work.  Yeah, note to self:  Don't leave home without your gloves.

I'm flipping channels a bit tonight.  I usually don't watch American Idol a whole lot, until later in the season, but I'm catching parts of it.  I'm also checking in on Homeland Security.  I really like this new show.  Interesting stuff, along the lines of another favorite show of mine: Airline.

I'm noticing that it's taking me two days to recover from convention trips lately.  I feel the same tonight as I did yesterday.  Wiped out.  I'll be going to bed early, if I can get away with it.  Kevin was home today (vacation day due to low work) and had spaghetti ready when I got home.  It was yummy.  Thanks, honey!

I just got a HUGE pick-me-up on the phone!  Kameron (my granddaughter) is spending the night on Saturday night!  Brett will pick her up and bring her over.  I cannot wait.  Mom and Dad finally get to meet her, and I am tickled to death.  So much so that I have to end this entry.  I am wavering between smiling and tearing up.


Donna. W said...

Alrighty then!

Anonymous said...

How exciting to meet your new grandchild. I am sure it will be wonderful.