Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Oncologist Appointment

Ok, so we went.  the PDAS was in full swing today.  I was jittery, my legs were numb, my chest was tight, and I was light-headed.  After the appointment, I was ready to skip to the truck singing.  My husband has bad knees, so I didn't.  Still, naming the affliction has helped me laugh at myself and move along.  My blood pressure is normally 110/60 or something similar.  At the beginning of the appointment, it was 141/67.  LOL  What a moron.

Anyway, I was told that I do NOT need chemo before surgery.  That was a glorious thing that made the heavens open up and made me have jazz hands.  Not really, but almost.  She (the oncologist) and the surgeon want me to have an EKG and another thing.  I thought I heard Pet CT and then I doubted myself and thought I only heard CT and Kevin thought he may have heard both.  Yes, we are freaking out, but whatever it is, I have to have it.  That's fine.  Tests don't make me get PDAS.

After those tests, I'll see the surgeon again.  I could be cut upon in less than 2 weeks.  I'm OK with that.  I'm ready.  After surgery, she said we'd start chemo in a month or so.  We both questioned that.  Ummm, if you get it all (I'm opting for mastectomy, based on the size of the tumor) and the lymph node you take is clear, why would you do chemo?

Her answer was that there could be that "one cancer cell" that has moved on. want to put poison in my body "just in case?"  We'll decide later, but I'm not sure at this point.  If they say they got it all and the lymph nodes are clear, jazz hands WILL come out again.  I'm just sayin'.

Today, I am fine.  I still feel great, and get to continue to feel great until surgery.  That was an amazing thing to hear.  That was almost as good as "Insurance pays for reconstruction."  Not quite, but almost.  Come on!  You know you have it in you!  Jazz hands, everyone!


Margaret said...

A PET scan is quite extensive and will look for cancer other places.(although it only picks up a certain number of cancer cells, not just a few) It's a terrifically expensive test though. If they have any thoughts that the cancer has spread, even a tiny bit, I would do the chemo, just to make very sure. That's just me though. Your call.

Forty Pound Sack said...

Rachel, did your doctor talk to you about a test....I can't remember the name but they do it after surgery, using a bit of the tumor that's removed. The tissue is sent to a lab in San Fransico and they rate it based on a whole list of genetic factors. If you score above 30, you do chemo. Under 30? No chemo. It's a new-ish test but my oncologist says it's been proven very accurate and if you're questioning chemo, you might want to check into it. Originally my surgeon ordered chemo but after this test (I scored 14) decided against it, unless I wanted it, which I did not. I'll see if I can find the name of it. The lab in San Francisco is the only place in the US to get this test, and for me, insurance covered it 100%.

Rachel said...

They are doing that test to me, too!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Good to hear your good news. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!

Paula said...

Came here by way of your Mom. Wishing you the very best.


JAZZ HANDS, indeed. I think the info Forty Pound Sack gave you is important. Here's hoping you score under 30. Take care.

Bookncoffee said...

Jazzin' it up here! Glad to hear things are going ok and looking good. All things considered. Have you on my mind daily - even if I may not get here for a couple of days on the blog. Cheering ya. And hoping for the best. Praying too. That goes without saying. That cheeseburger for breakfast - yeah that's where it is at. lol Keeping you going! I had one yesterday. But not for breakfast. lol

small farm girl said...

Doing jazz hands for ya!!!!