Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Fence is Going Up!

OK, so I got home on Tuesday afternoon, ate a Subway sandwich, and promptly fell asleep at 4:30. Humiliating, but quite nice. After 12 hours of sleep, I felt much better. Conventions wear me out! It was a good one, though.

Last night, I helped the girls with a project and went to bed at a decent time. This morning, I was halfway through my morning routine when Kevin asked, "Did you oversleep?" I thought he was crazy until I looked up and saw the time. My alarm was set an hour later than it should have been. Oh well. I was still at work in plenty of time.

On to other things: Hawkeye got arrested last week. He now has a record. We're concerned that he'll never be able to find a job. It's quite disheartening. Anyway, we have wanted a fence since we bought this house, almost 5 years ago. We can do it now, it will raise the value of the house, and Hawkeye the Wonder Dog is an important part of our family.

The guys from Pyramid Fence were supposed to start work next Monday, so you can imagine our excitement when Kevin informed me that they arrived this morning to start work! They set the posts today, and will come back tomorrow to finish the job. I told Kevin that my camera was at home, and he should take some pictures for me. I think he did a good job.

They laid the posts out in the yard along the perimeter.

We've gotten approval from the neighbors (CooKoo) for where it will be. They aren't happy that Kevin sometimes mows one line through their yard. *sigh* So much for being neighborly.

This guy was using auger to dig the post holes.

Close to the house, they're leaving a post un-set, since the walk-out gate will go there. Got to get to the grill, you know.

Yup, it's coming along nicely. This time tomorrow, we'll have a fence! WooHoo! Go Pyramid Fence!


Donna. W said...

We saw all that going on as we traveled to and from Richmond today. Good going! I'm not so sure Hawkeye will be happy with it, though; it might cramp his style.

Rachel said...

Nah. He'll sniff it and then take a nap. He doesn't care.