Thursday, March 18, 2010

BIG 2010, volume 1

The customer service team at H&H is pretty tight. We go through good and bad together. We've supported each other through mild things like an ugly phone call, and major things like the death of a coworker.

We deal. We talk it out, move on, and keep going. The customers (many of whom are VERY good friends of mine) need us to be "on" when they call. They need answers, we give answers. We're tight. We're friends. We are a team.

We have this thing called BIG. It's "Beer In the Garden" and it means that we'll meet after work, in the garden, for a quick beer before heading home. It's NEVER more than an hour, and some folks leave after 15 minutes, but we're there.

We laugh and tell stories and generally enjoy the HECK out of that short time with no phones, no computers, and no problems. These are my people. We're there for each other, and no matter what happens, we back each other up.

I got a text from Connie this morning, explaining that we needed an emergency BIG. Usually, there is almost a week's notice. She explained, in the text, that we needed it, since the weather was so perfect.

So, we gathered, we drank, we laughed, and 2010 BIG has begun.

Thanks, coworkers, for also being my friends. I love you guys.

1 comment:

Bookncoffee said...

oh this is neat. And I'm jealous. Our work does not do that. Nothing near it. lol