Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Quiet Morning

I was in bed around 8:30 last night.  Monday kicked my butt, and there was no need to keep fighting it.  It was nice to tell the girls goodnight, and just turn in early.  I slept great all night, too!  But then, my body said it was time to get up, so I did.

It was 3:30.  I tried to go back to sleep, but realized that it wasn't going to happen, so I got up and showered.  After making coffee, I fed the dogs and came in to fire up the computer.  It wasn't quite 4:30.  This leaves me nearly 2 hours before I will leave for work.  Now I remember how much I love the house being this quiet.  Sipping coffee and watching the news with no pressure to hurry up and get ready is a good thing.

About feeding those dogs:  Hawkeye has decided that just being the lead dog isn't enough.  He has recently started bullying Radar.  Kevin caught him in the act over the weekend and took advantage of this situation to remind Hawkeye that this would NOT fly.  Hawkeye got the point.

Still, I sit out on the back porch while they eat, morning and night.  It's the only way Radar will eat without looking nervously at Hawkeye.  It's obvious that he's been bullied away from his food.  Not anymore.  It's only 10 minutes, twice a day, and worth it to me to make sure he gets to eat.  Hawkeye could stand to lose a few pounds, not gain them by eating for two!

Speaking of eating, time to make my lunch, eat a bagel, and see what happened on Facebook overnight.  Maybe, if I started getting up this early every day, I'd start blogging again?  Hmmm.  Not sure if it will happen, but going to bed that early sure felt good.

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Mornings are my favorite time for blogging.
I wonder if it would help to have two dog food dishes sitting out?