Sunday, January 22, 2012

Favorite Food

I can't say that I have a favorite food, so this one was tough.  I decided to post one of my biggest weaknesses:

Chips of all kinds.  It's one of the main reasons that I'm fat.  Well, there are MANY reasons for that, but chips rank right up there.  I could live without sweets for the rest of my life, but grease and salt?  Nope.


Donna. W said...

I already have tomorrow's post finished and ready to automatically post in the morning. I'll be smiling all day today just thinking about it.

Bookncoffee said...

I am so like you in that respect. Kettle chips and fritos, better yet..chili fritos. lol I have to have chips with my sandwich at work or I feel cheated. I also snack on them if they are in the house and dinner is not ready yet. And....ya know...hamburgers are another weekness of mine. And fries naturally have to be there as well. Those are the reasons that I'm fat! Oh and George cooks a big meal at home every night and then I go to bed! lol

Lindie said...

Chips and no exercise are what caused me to have gastric bypass surgery 6 years ago. Loved them! Now I can eat 4 or 5 chips and I am done. Weird!

Amy said...

I hate when people ask what my favorite food is. I'm like "seriously? do I look like I have one favorite?"