Friday, October 26, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
What to do with the boy...
I am so sorry, Mom, for all of the tears that I caused you. I know I caused a lot. I can promise you, for all the horrible things that I did, I never stole any money from you, or any other member of the family. I did plenty else. And I'm sorry. Forgivness is everything, and I know it will come...but not tonight.
Tonight, I reserve the right to be PISSED!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I worked in a cubical in an office at the time, so there were no TVs around, but folks started turning on news radio, and updating us as more of the story unfolded. A couple of ladies freaked out, left for the day, filled up their gas tanks (after sitting in line at the pumps for an hour or so) and pulled their kids out of school. That was crazy, but every fiber of my being wanted to do the same.
We were stunned...shocked...confused. I cried a lot, thinking about the people and their families, but the tragedy of the day kept growing. There were other things happening. Horrible, awful, unmentionable things. I just wanted to be "in my bubble" at home, with my family near me.
The fact of the matter is, I refuse to live in fear. My kids will go to school, and get a good education. I will go to work and provide for my family. I will attend public events (even though I must go through a metal detector and have my purse searched) and I will fly for business when I need to.
When we shut down, and refuse to stray from our bubble, the bad guys win. Some day, some horrible evil may befall someone that I love...someone in my family. I pray that I never have to know that kind of horror. Meanwhile, I will live. I will live free and I will live my life to the fullest.
While I live, I will remember those who died. I will remember the families involved. I will remember those who cannot move bravely forward, and are locked in their homes, scared to see the light of day. All I can do is remember. Remember and make sure that my kids remember, too.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wordless Wednesday-Welcome home, son.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
What about Lucy?
Lucy is the love of our lives. She is fun and cute and animated, and she entertains us daily. She plays fetch, smiles when we get home, and curls up between us, UNDER the blanket, at bed time. She is a doll.
She also goes potty on the back porch. Due to our working schedule, she was never properly house trained. She thinks that cement the where she should "go". Granted, it's not in my house, but it's on my back porch. There are times that we come home, and it smells like a kennel in here. She chews up mail and other items, and she barks uncontrollably at anyone who passes by our window.
If she goes to live with Keith, she'll be showered with love, house-trained, and loved by the whole family. My house will be mine again, and we won't pick up poo from the back porch. Keith will have a dog again, and his daughters will adore her. I can turn on the a/c when it gets over 90 degrees, and life will be good.
On the other hand, I cry when I think about it. She is a little doll. Lucy is a personality in this house that I hate to lose. She is fun and funny, and she smiles a full-faced smile when I get home from work. I hold her and pet her and cry at the thought of losing her.
But....BUT.....I think it is best to let her go live with her daddy's owner. I think it's best to let go. Good lord, I hate to think about it, but at least I can visit whenever I want. Sweet, sweet Lucy, my dear sweet dog, after we break it to the girls, I think you will go live with your mamma. She'll take good care of you, and so will the humans who live there. I love you, sweetheart.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The famous Hula Hoop contest
Natalie won the first round, but not the final contest. I remember when I could hula hoop. *sigh*
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Why am I sad?
A job offer for Kevin.
A brother in pain.
An upcoming trip that I'm barely prepared for.
A very, VERY windy evening when trash cans should be placed on the curb.
A GPS lady who won't speak to me.
An evening without much on TV.
A new graduate who went missing was found today, dead.
Obviously, those are in no particular order. Just many things running rampant through my head.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
The answers.
It gives me a rotten headache. I heard that it has something to do with nitrites.
2. I commute for a total of 2 hours each day.
With gas the was it is, maybe I shouldn't, but I love my job, and my commute is my down time.
3. I talk on the phone for a living, and hate to talk on the phone at home.
If the phone rings at home, I tell someone else to get it. Nobody here is paying me to be nice on the phone, like they do at work.
4. I like to mow the lawn.
We rented for so long that I enjoy making my home look nice. Call me weird.
5. I drink about 100 oz of Diet Coke a day, most days.
I'm not proud of it, and I know it's insane, but I have a DC in my hand ALL day long.
6. I wear size eleven shoes.
Depending on the brand/style, I wear anywhere from 10 to 11. It runs in the family.
7. I can change oil in my car, or your car, if needed.
This, along with other maintenance duties, were required by Dad before I could get a license.
8. I can put new brakes on a car.
This is the lie. I watched Dad and Kevin do it, and I still don't have a clue.
9. My first computer was running on Windows 3.1.
And it was on dial-up. I could type something, leave the room, make a sandwich and take a nap, then the new page would be loaded. I do NOT miss it. Thank you, Windows XP.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
I've been tagged!!!
I have to tell you 9 things that you don’t know about me, only 8 of them are true. Can you guess which one is not?
I'm not that interesting, so it'll probably be really easy, but here goes:
1. I don't/won't drink Budweiser.
2. I commute for a total of 2 hours each day.
3. I talk on the phone for a living, and hate to talk on the phone at home.
4. I like to mow the lawn.
5. I drink about 100 oz of Diet Coke a day, most days.
6. I wear size eleven shoes.
7. I can change oil in my car, or your car, if needed.
8. I can put new brakes on a car.
9. My first computer was running on Windows 3.1.
Now, can you pick out the lie? I'll be back tomorrow to tell you the answer.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
My Mother's Day, so far

The girls set their alarms and woke up at 5:30 to make breakfast in bed for me. It was quite sweet. Kevin is in Carthage with his mother, and I plan to see mine later today. I'm going to have a great day with two of my children.
The other one hasn't been home or called for two days. I saw his car, so I know where he's been, but so far, not so much as a "Hey Mom, I'm fine" phone call. Maybe he'll be here later today. I'm not holding my breath.
This is Karma. I was such a creep as a teenager.
Oh, in case you wondered, that is toaster waffles with a TON of butter, cold microaved oatmeal, peach yogurt (my favorite) and a diet Coke.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Sheesh. It's a goat rope
Thursday, April 12, 2007
To be posted in both journals:
For the Record:
I did NOT get drunk in Illinois. I DID spend 9 hours working on software with a client. I DID have trouble sleeping. I did enjoy the trip, travelling with good company, but missed home a lot. I DO have to leave town again in the wee hours of Saturday morning.
I did NOT sleep by the pool. I did NOT go to the bar instead of breakfast. I AM a goofball when I'm bored. I DID come up with a new game while travelling (pictures of patterns. Maybe I'll post them, but they're pretty boring.)
I'm home, much later than I expected to arrive. I missed Survivor. I have to do laundry so my work clothes are ready for Michigan. At least the pilot got us above the clouds for most of the flight, so I saw the sun for the first time in many days. I had mini-pringles on the plane for dinner. I'm tired. Goodnight.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
A trip to Bloominfieldburgton...or something.
Seriously. I held my breath for so long that I passed out...or maybe it was the beers...who knows? Anyways, so I woke up and noticed that I wasn't in my house, but in some strange room with two beds and a weird assortment of lamps.
After realizing that I was in a hotel, I checked to make sure that I was in the RIGHT room, and seeing my bag in the corner was quite a relief. I headed to breakfast, but the bar came into view first. I never liked to walk too far. The bartender knew my name, and I thought that was either a bad sign, or WAY cool. I mulled it over while I drank a beer or 10.
The next day, I woke up by the pool with the manager kicking me in the ribs. It seems that they don't like it when you stay without paying for a room for the night. Go figure. It smelled like chlorine in there, anyway. I guess I'll try to find a way back to my home in....well, it's located near....uh oh. I'm going to go get a beer and try to figure out how to get home. I think I have a husband. If I do, he'll be worried for sure. If I don't, maybe I should get one. Unless I'm gay. Or a nun.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Another Meme
NOTHING made up! If you can't think of anything, skip it.
You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
Your Name: Rachel
Famous Music artist/group: Ratt
3 letter word: rag
Gift/present: roses?
Vehicle: Rav4
TV Show: Roseanne!
Country: Russia-that's a country, right?
Boy's Name: Russ!
Girl's Name: Rene'
Alcoholic drink: Rum
Occupation: Retail salesman
Flower: Roses
Celebrity: Rosco P. Coletrain? (nobody will get this, except Kevin, Jim and Dad)
Food: Ravioli
Reason for Being Late: rammed by a Rav4 driven by Russ
Something You Shout: RAT FINK!
A Meme, from Mom and others:
1. “These are my people” Rodney Atkins
2. “Last Dollar” Tim McGraw
3. “I Get to” Blue County
4. “Wayward Son" Kansas
5. “Your Song” Elton John
6. “Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me” Elton John
7. “What I Learned Out on the Road” Kid Rock
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thanks to Mom, who tagged me for this meme, I should be packing for my trip:
Three Things That Scare Me:
The death of a family member (let's not go deeper, it makes me cry.)
Loss of a job (mine or Kevin's)
Growing complacent.
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
My Dad.
My husband.
My kids. (only three? I need more.)
My best friend, Tammy.
Sheesh, there are too many. I laugh a LOT!
Three Things I Love: (I didn't include people here because it says "things")
My job.
The "take off" portion of a flight.
A real good picture (or "image" as you should call it, until it's printed).
Three Things I Hate:
Two-faced people. Seriously. (You don't know that we SEE how you are?)
Three Things I Don't Understand:
Why my best friends son is fighting in Iraq.
Why I don't make more time for my best friend.
Three Things On My Desk:
The Ipod that needs a battery.
My camera.
An ashtray.
Three Things I'm Doing Right Now:
Avoiding laundry.
Avoiding dishes.
Enjoying the HECK out of my family.
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
Get through a year without struggling to pay bills.
See my children succeed in life.
Go on a cruise with Kevin.
Three Things I Can Do:
"Ride out" a bucking horse....for a while...OK, 4 seconds.
Take care of a customer like nobody else...ever
Back a hay trailer into a barn (with fewer than 3 tries) seriously, ask dad!
Three Things I Can't Do:
Speak a foreign language
Write as well as my mother
"Get over it" in a timely manner
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
Travis Tritt's "It's a Great Day to Be Alive"
Blue County's "I get to"
My parents- seriously, they know more than anyone knows.
Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
Bucky Covington's latest
Local news
A disgruntled individual
Three Things I'd Like To Learn:
HTML Programming
How to get an 18 year old to listen to reason
How to trim bangs evenly. (sorry, o-daughters-of-mine)
Three Favorite Foods:
Diet Coke (does that count as "food"?)
Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
Little House on the Prairie
Sesame Street
Tom and Jerry
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Bipolar? Multiple Personalities? Human?
I feel so pissed at "the guy" at work.
I feel so sad that the last two months of Brett's high-school career are going to be so rough, by his own hand.
I feel so proud of the job I do, and how good I am at it. I get daily compliments, and voicemails left by customers, to the boss.
I feel so frustrated by kids who won't lift a hand to help, unless I threaten them.
I feel so melancholy when I realize I graduated 20 years ago.
I feel so energized when I watch my children play.
I feel so loved when my husband brings home new fish for my aqarium (he did tonight!), when I get a comment on a journal, when my Dad looks at me, when a friend says they'll miss me while I'm on vacation, when my Mom makes my birthday dinner, when a great buddy draws a cartoon for me, when the dogs lay their heads on me while napping, when my customers tell my boss how great I am, and when any other random affection happens.
OK, I'm probably suffering from some psychological affliction, or maybe I'm a human. Who knows? Let's say I'm human. OK?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
A Dream?
I visualize a book. A coffee-table book or something. I see the pictures, but don't yet see the text. I may ask for help on that later. I see some of Mom's poems, some of my memories, and some interview results.
I honestly won't say, yet, what I plan to do, but I'm starting on Friday. I know the pictures that need to be taken. I know how to organize them. I know what I'm looking for. I hope Mom will join me on my journey. If I become a famous, published author, you all get a free copy of my book. If I'm a proven failure, I'll deal with it, and appreciate your support. If I'm a proven failure and a laughing stock, I'll point fingers and implicate each of you by name.
Here's hoping. I'm 38. I can't keep waiting for something to happen. It's time to MAKE it happen. Cross your fingers.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Friday, March 9, 2007
Life is SOOO awesome!
I had to go on a business trip today, and I couldn't find my black socks, so I stopped at Wal-Mart. Hang with me, this will come together shortly. While driving, I heard a contest to win tickets to Trace.
You have to listen to a song snippet, then call in and sing the next line. I know every Trace song by heart, so I started dialing. busy. busy. busy. busy. I finally got through, and I said "what caller am I?" (14 is the magic number) and she said, "Well, if you know the next line, you're caller 14!" I almost fainted. I *did* know the next line (I know EVERY line to EVERY Trace song), and I'm walking through Wal-Mart. She said I'd have to hold a while, and I got my socks and went to the checkouts. When I handed over my money, while holding my cell phone with my shoulder, my hand was shaking. My heart was beating, and I seriously thought I might pass out.
I've won things before, but NEVER have I won something that I felt I REALLY wanted with ALL my heart. I got to the car and just sat there in the parking lot. When they took me off hold, I was greeted, then they played this line, from a Trace song: "Love ain't supposed to make sense...." and I had to sing, "This ain't no thinkin' thing, right brain, left brain, it goes a little deeper than that..." and I WON!!!!! I got two tickets to the concert tomorrow night, so Kevin can go with me! I am so excited. Now, I'm just looking for a sitter. The drama continues.
***added over an hour later***
Monica has been invited to stay at a friend's house tomorrow night. I have an extra ticket. If I can call the arena that the concert is in, tomorrow, Natalie will go with us. Not only will she LOVE it, Mom will be off the hook (since I cannot yet find a sitter.) I have a third ticket, but it's nowhere near the other two seats. She can sit on our laps, but I'll have to make sure it's kosher. I don't know how this will play out, but I'd love to NOT pay a sitter, and NOT ask Mom to keep Natalie on the weekend. The lady needs a day off, for goodness sake!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Just a post

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
A problem...sort of
My Secret Santa, this past December, happens to be a good friend of mine. She knows me SO well. She hid a beer under my desk on two occasions, and I found some awesome smelling lotion on my desk one morning. She's great.
My "big" gift was a ticket to a Trace Adkins concert. He is the ultimate. He is my favorite. I'd drop my husband like a hot rock for that man (not really, but you get the idea.) He is built like a tall, muscle bound wedge, and he's hot hot HOT! I got a ticket. The show is this Saturday. I got *1* ticket. Price limitations and practicality.
If I don't go, I insult the giver. If I go, I go alone, and it's more than an hour from home. If it wasn't mortgage week, I'd buy a ticket for Kevin and drag him along...or buy a ticket for Mom, and beg her to go. She's aways up for a concert. I just don't have the $$$. I will try for the next two mornings to win tickets from my favorite radio station, but Birthday Bash tickets are the big giveaway right now. I *have* birthday bash tickets...for both nights.
I'll figure this out. There are bigger problems in the world than owning a ticket to a concert by your favorite artist. I just wish I had some solutions to this...Help?
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
Saturday, March 3, 2007
A video
We find entertainment where we find it, now don't we? Hawkeye has a few tricks up his sleeve, but there is one he can't master. Lucy has mastered that one alone. Go figure. They make up for each others' weaknesses, I guess. They'll both do most anything for popcorn.
The sound seems to be "off" from the video. I don't know if it will stay that way, and I don't know if it's just this computer that sees it that way. Kevin seems to reward the dogs before they do the trick! LOL That's positive thinking, huh? If it appears that way to you, just know that there is a youtube issue.
Beautiful Saturday Bliss!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A great day!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Howlin' wind
I'm ready for spring. Where are the flowers? What happened to the sun? How much longer until the girls ask to play in the sprinkler? What month will bring our first complaints about the electric bill? LOL
Snow is pretty...postcard pretty...but for the first time in a long time, we've had a real winter. And I've had enough!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Which city am I?
You scored as Rio de Janeiro. You are Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! People probably consider you to be fun and outgoing. You have a contagious, colorful personality.
Which city shares your personality? created with QuizFarm.com |
Yeah, right. Whatever!
Well, let's get more serious
I'm going to keep playing here, so I'll be ready when AOL craps out completely.