This is the last weekend that I can wear this shirt, and have it truly represent Carl Edwards. Next year, Aflac is his new sponsor. I just bought this shirt in April when we visited our awesome Texas friends to attend my first-ever Nascar race. Carl won that day. *sigh* He is currently in second place in the points standings, and has a tiny chance at the championship. He would have to lead the most laps, win the race, and Jimmy Johnson would have to finish worse than 36th. Yeah, I know. He's still my hometown Missouri boy, though. Go #99!

Monica took a pic of the front of the shirt too, but it blurred. Oh well.
Tonight is Natalie's first "dance." It's called "activity night" since they are just in 5th and 6th grade, but there is a DJ and a place to dance. I don't think anyone will dance, but that's OK. There are other rooms. There is food and games and other activities. Monica's first activity night was a nightmare for her, so we're hoping that Natalie's goes better.
Monica got a digital camera for her birthday. That's what she wanted more than anything, and there was NO way we could afford it. We checked two large Wal-Mart super centers, and found nothing we could get. Kevin made a last-ditch stop at a nearby, tiny supercenter, and found the mother-load! All of last-year's cameras were on sale!
She got a Nikon, and is more than thrilled with it. Her first words, after I woke her up this morning, were "Thanks again for the camera, Mom." Yeah, we did good, without breaking the bank. Kevin even bought a 1 gig card for her, and got some new rechargeable batteries for the household, since there is a second digital camera here. Still, he got out of there for a VERY reasonable price.
Tomorrow, Kevin and the girls will head to Carthage for the big birthday weekend. Grammy had her birthday, and the dinner is tomorrow night. My car is too crappy for all of us to go together, so the truck is the only option. That means, 3 at a time is the limit. It's also GG's birthday tomorrow. GG is Kevin's grandma, and GG means "great grandma" to the grandkids. She was born on November 15, just like Monica, but 75 years earlier.
Oh yeah, did I mention? Monica is 13 tomorrow! Yup, the big 1-3. A teen. It's the big one. She is looking more grown up every day, and that makes me a bit sad. This is my second chance at "my oldest." Brett is my oldest, Jonathan is Kevin's oldest, but Monica is OUR oldest. The boys have moved on in their lives, so now we have to survive the girls. Trust me, boys are easier.
However, she is an amazing young woman, and is such a joy. I remember when I found out I was pregnant with her. I had no symptoms, so to speak, and by the time I realized something was up, I was told that I was WAY further along than I thought. In this situation, to judge the age of the unborn, they measure a few things. They measure the length of the femur and the size of the head.
Have you SEEN the heads on this family? We have some BIG ol' beans. Because of this, I think they induced me about 2 weeks early. I think this is probably the reason that she had asthma as a baby. Many trips to the ER and many illnesses. She has since outgrown this, and is doing fine, thankyouverymuch. She is a shining star around here. I love you, Sissy Doll!
OK, the final bit of randomness: The Wizard of Oz is on tonight. When I was a kid, my whole family hated this movie. It was on once per year, and I REALLY wanted to watch, but the family did NOT care to join me. My mom would let me take the little TV to my room so I could watch on my own. That was the one time a year that I had a TV in my room. It was the most wonderful thing EVER! Sometimes, she'd even make some carmel corn or some other treat for me to enjoy during the show.
Have I mentioned lately how much my childhood rocked? No? Well, it did. When I had sleep-overs, my friends would put in snack requests ahead of time, and Mom tried her best to accommodate.
Wow, that was an additional bit of randomness, after I said I was done. Sorry. Have a wonderful weekend!